The University of Huddersfield Press was established in 2007 and has grown to become a primarily open access publisher of high quality research. Our authors and editorial boards bring international research expertise and a strong orientation to practice and real-world application to their publications. The Press is keen to support emerging researchers and foster research communities by providing a platform for developing academic areas. By publishing innovative research as open access we aim to improve access to scholarly work for the benefit of all.

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Our 2017-18 catalogue

Our first catalogue covers our full journal and book list, and has links to order our books in print.

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Latest News

University of Huddersfield Press first to launch with Janeway – a new open source publishing platform for open access research

We are excited and proud to be the first university press to officially launch on the new Janeway publishing platform – all our publications are now available open access on the new platform, which offers a beautifully designed and highly intuitive reader and author experience, as well as improved discoverability and preservation for all research published through the Press. 

New book on how sound is used in documentary film making

We are delighted to announce the publication of our newest book, a beautifully written collection edited by Geoffrey Cox and John Corner: Soundings: documentary film and the listening experience 

‘In our work, drawing on international contributors including film-makers and composers as well as academics, we ask questions about how sounds are recorded and assembled in documentary production, about the variety of the ways in which they work when listened to and about their contribution to making this area of visual culture an important culture of sounds too. Our belief is that further critical attention here goes beyond the expanding area of documentary scholarship and connects with a broader understanding of the contemporary media arts,’ Geoffrey Cox and John Corner.

Unipress Soundings

First issue of new journal published: Crime, Security and Society

Crime, Security and Society is an academic journal, housed within the Secure Societies Institute, which seeks a wide and diverse audience of academics and practitioners who strive to better understand and reduce both current and future crime and security threats experienced by many societies, to encourage collaborative thinking from disciplines as seemingly distinct as; computer science, precision engineering, forensic biology, linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, organic chemistry, and criminal psychology. This first issue has some really interesting articles which bring together strands of research to look at key issues facing society.

New issue of Teaching in Lifelong Learning

The latest issue of TiLL is now available to read open access on our new publishing platform. The issue pulls together some really interesting research from researchers and practitioners. 

Volume 8 Issue 2 of TiLL is somewhat different from previous ones, in that it is a special edition, publishing four papers by project teams who were involved in The Education & Training Foundation’s (ETF) funded Outstanding Teaching Learning and Assessment (OTLA) Phase 3 programme in the north-east and Cumbria. I had the privilege of being the evaluator for the programme and very early on I offered to publish papers in a special edition of TiLL, and I am delighted that five of the project teams accepted my invitation and submitted their papers for review,’ David Powell, Editor of TiLL.